Adoption Joys

We are moving right along. We are finally on the waiting list with our adoption attorneys. We don’t know how many are ahead of us but will find out soon. Our birth mom letter is sent to be edited by one of the attorneys and once that is finished they will do the whole layout for us with all of our pictures. I can’t wait to share it with you all when it is done! When we were writing it, Adam had said “This is the most important letter we will ever have to write.” YES! I stopped many times and tried to picture women on the other side reading it. Women confused, desperate, and struggling. How my heart breaks for her.
Our greatest prayer right now is for this precious woman. That she is healthy. That she has someone in her life who is a positive support to her as she makes this decision. But most importantly, that right now God is doing a work in her heart to draw her to Jesus.  Will you join us in praying for her? That the words she reads about us will draw her to us (quickly..haha:) ?
 Our family will be increasing by 2, really. We feel so blessed to be on this path. The past few days, my heart has been full. I have been thanking God that He chose us to adopt. What an honor. I am thankful that His ways are higher than mine and His plans and timing are far greater than anything I could possibly imagine. He has turned our sadness into joy and our waiting into a time of pure dependence. I wouldn’t trade this for anything.
I was just reading about how gold is refined.(Pause: If Adam were reading this, he would probably laugh. I am not that interested in science and anytime he would watch anything on the Discovery Channel, I would say one word to him, “Bored”, and do something way more educational by jumping on Facebook. Anyways…)  To blast out all the impurities gold is sent through intense heat. The valleys that we face can be this refining time. A time to strip away everything that hinders sheer dependence and trust in God. But in the end…pure gold! After the refining process is done, gold is actually soft and pliable. Isn’t this how God wants us? Moldable?
Being refined is hard. It’s difficult. But there is a finished product. In the end, God makes all things beautiful.

Verses to reflect on:
Isaiah 43:1–5:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed<sup class="crossreference" style="font-size: 0.65em; line-height: normal; vertical-align: top;" value="(D)”> you;  I have summoned you by name;<sup class="crossreference" style="font-size: 0.65em; line-height: normal; vertical-align: top;" value="(E)”> you are mine. When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers,  they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God  the Holy One<sup class="crossreference" style="font-size: 0.65em; line-height: normal; vertical-align: top;" value="(L)”> of Israel, your Savior…Since you are precious and honored<sup class="crossreference" style="font-size: 0.65em; line-height: normal; vertical-align: top;" value="(A)”> in my sight,   and because I love<sup class="crossreference" style="font-size: 0.65em; line-height: normal; vertical-align: top;" value="(B)”> you, I will give people in exchange for you,   nations in exchange for your life. Do not be afraid,<sup class="crossreference" style="font-size: 0.65em; line-height: normal; vertical-align: top;" value="(C)”> for I am with you..”

7 thoughts on “Adoption Joys

  1. Your family will increase by two… And the birth Mom's family is about to increase by three… We are praying that she either already knows Jesus intimately, or that she will be romanced by the Holy Spirit into a beautiful relationship. This is so exciting. We love you so much!


  2. You write beautifully. I know your child's birthmom will be drawn to you immediately. I said a prayer for her; also praying you get to meet her very soon! Best wishes!


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